Tuesday, November 30, 2004

please pray for me

they're getting bigger. a spider by the shower was about 3 inches across, the spider in the shower was curled up but it was big too. tonight jose called danny into their bedroom to show him something but told me not to come. that's a sure sign it's a big spider. he got the broom to kill it but came out saying it was gone - it had gone into the next bedroom, the other boys room. i told him if it could go from one bedroom to another it could come into mine - he went and killed it.

i wish i could tuck my net in under the mattress but i have an actual mattess and it overhangs the bed by about a foot and has several holes in it anyway. i was looking for a new net in san carlos but couldn't find one.

it's the same here as it is at home. the spiders disappear for the winter and come out in the summer. summer's coming and so are the really big spiders. and for those of you that don't know - they are fist sized. and for me it's more than fear - it's terror.

1 comment:

MUD said...

Quit watering the spiders...the might stop growing