Friday, October 08, 2004

los niños

date 04.10.05

yrlin and jeffrey came over today. i was so happy to see them. their mother showed up last month. the family says she is crazy. yrlin and jeffrey had been able to have a lunch at the school but their mother took them out and won't let them go back for lunch anymore. because they think she is crazy the teachers and the family are contacting the law to see if they will intervene. i don't know what that will mean for josefa and los niños so please pray for them.

update 04.10.07

mimi says yrlin and jeffrey are afraid of their mother because she is mean to them. when the family took them food the mom either sold it or gave it to her friends and los niños and josefa go hungry. patricio will take only enough food for 2 days they say but a bag of rice and a bag of beans is more than los niños can eat in 2 days, never mind all the other basic staples. please pray that god will provide a solution.

leo came over but he wouldn't come up to the house because he was afraid. he's never been out of his house. he is so sweet. he just sat out by the street and watched yrlin and jeffrey play marbles.

i've only been once because i wasn't sure how my presence would affect the mom and family.

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