Sunday, October 24, 2004


remind me if i ever complain about the boys music again. i'll take it any day over 8 adults and 2 little boys and 3 dogs all trying to be heard over the other any day. at least it's a nice noise. last night the only one that wasn't practically yelling was me. it wasn't just one conversation but several and everyone had to talk louder than the other so they would be heard by the person they were talking to. 2 boys, maybe 4 & 5, yelling and the adults paying no attention to it and 2 poodles barking incessantly at a 3 month old smaller version of chainsaw. i wanted to take the puppy and leave. and all this in a room no bigger than 10 x 15 maybe. the roar was deafening. i've never had a headache come on so quickly. and this morning they said there was only a few of them there last night. they all have rather large families and there normally would've been a lot more people there. they are all very nice but i can't handle the noise. it really is deafening.

not sure if it was a God thing or not but yesterday i had bought some tylenol. boy did it come in handy. it turned out they had gathered to go to church, catholic, which i think the headache was another God thing cuz i wouldn't have wanted to go to the catholic church. i had already made a faux pas by telling my hostess that i didn't believe in mary. i said i believed in God to which she replied so did she. i should've re-phrased and said i worshiped Jesus, not mary but for as much as i would debate the issue in amparo i didn't want to insult my hostess in her home when i can't just walk away after i've ticked her off. a few of you that know me may have noticed that i sometimes tend to be blunt. and sometimes maybe not very tactful.

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