Friday, October 22, 2004

love the country but

obviously not a country girl. 2 days ago chico tells me there's a chicken in the sink. i think mm chicken for dinner. as i approach the sink i see feet, with toenails, sticking up out of the sink. oh gross! it was as stiff with rigor as any frozen bird in the store but i couldn't pick it up without using a cloth. susy told me she had to learn to kill chickens for dinner and i told her we wouldn't be eating chicken. i'm sure i could quite easily kill a rooster though but like only with a gun, but there's no way i could ever decapitate it, never mind deplume (?) it. well we did have chicken that night, thanks in no part to myself and you can be sure that the feet were in the pot as sure as you can be that they weren't on my plate.

1 comment:

Susy said...

the feet were on Patricio's plate.... nothing like watching a guy knaw on a chicken foot :-S