Friday, October 22, 2004

the sadness of costa rica

the tears on a little 6 year old boys face when an apple is taken away from him as he cries that he is hungry. it breaks my heart and i cry for him. such a simple thing and i think how he would long for a 1-2 eaten discarded apple thrown from a north american child's lunch. i think of Jesus saying to let the little children come to Him and how He would take care of them and wonder how we can do any less. his face will forever be imprinted on my mind sitting in the dirt crying that he is hungry.

just a few children in one remote small village in cr. they are too numerous to mention and dot the countryside everywhere. they get up with the sun and go to bed when it's set without money to buy candles to provide light.

they are at least not as poor as other children of the world. their bellies are not distended as many i've seen on tv. they are not so malnourished as some i've seen that their black hair is turning orange from lack of nutrition. this is a sin no matter how you look at it.

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